The role-playing game Path of Exile receives a Bestiary update, which makes it possible to hunt, catch and collect beasts in the game. Also new items, endgame content and more are added.
Captured beasts can either be kept alive as in a menagerie or cruelly sacrificed on the Blood Altar. If you opt for the latter, you can create powerful items. The progress of the beast hunt is recorded in the bestiary.
On the PC the patch will be released on March 2nd, the Xbox version will follow a week later. The in-game currency Orbs is available at the professional online gaming house. The interested gamers can buy PoE Currency from those professional online gaming houses in the most affordable cost.
A true alternative to Diablo III, Path of Exile offers an explosive "Hack'n Slash" game with an addictive game system as much as possible. Play as many as 6 classes among Templar, Witch, Shadow, Duelist, Ranger and Marauder and dive into a chaotic universe invaded by monsters, demons and more.
This game is insane for how much there is to know. I often have six wiki pages up, have played for a couple thousand hours over two years, and I still didn't know this about Kaoms roots.
Path of Exile, a not-for-profit online Diablo 2 successor launched in 2013, has proved its enormous appeal when it comes to attracting gamers to sign up and stick to the word.
Path of Exile has a free Battle Royale mode. This is of course an April Fool - nevertheless, there is the update really and also the mode is playable.